New York, New York

 Our trip started with a flight from CA to NYC.

We visited the kids in Brooklyn and visited with other cousins. Quite the view from Cody's apartment window!

Cheesteaks with Tom and Roberta in New Jersey

 Midway between NY and Philadelphia we stopped to visit and have lunch with Roberta and Tom.

We met them at Gaetano's, a famous (to us!) cheesteak restaurant. The sandwiches were HUGE!

We even got to play some 5000! Such a change to be in person instead of zooming!

Philadelphia, Pittsburgh

 We stayed in Philadelphia and visited a great museum.

In Pittsburgh we visited with Cody's best friend.

West Virginia

Country road, take me home!


 Arkansas was the best! There were so many things to see and learn about! 

The Flight Home from Oklahoma

 Travelling across the country was a breeze compared to the airplane issues trying to get home!

New York, New York